A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the various types of scams targeting businesses, and tips to avoid them. This morning I received some documentation on a real estate deal that I have been working on, and it came with a wire fraud warning that I thought was worth passing on. While the alert references real estate transactions, it is applicable to any transaction that requires wiring funds.

There has been a lot in the news lately about scammers targeting the elderly and others, but did you know that scammers are actively targeting smaller businesses to try to separate you from your money?  The truth of the matter is that scammers will look for any weak opening through which they can steal money, and once they have the money there is virtually no way to recover it.  The following is a list of common scams targeting smaller businesses and tips on how to avoid them.

Knowing the value of your company is one the most beneficial things you can know about it.  And yet, very few business owners know what their company,  which may be their most valuable asset and largest investment of both time and money, is really worth.

Last month, the DOL and NLRB announced that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that encourages inter-agency cooperation through information sharing and joint investigations with respect to companies that misclassify employees as independent contractors. Thus, if you are paying workers as independent contractors to save payroll taxes, overtime, benefit costs, or other expenses, you may be squarely in the crosshairs.