My Practice


The question, “What kind of lawyer are you?” is one that I hear on a regular basis. The answer is that I work with entrepreneurial business owners to help them address the issues that arise in the course of their business.

That includes answering questions such as how to get started in a new business, should a corporation or LLC be formed, how to avoid potential pitfalls, how to deal with problems that arise during the course of business, how to protect personal assets, and how to prepare a business for succession or to sell. It frequently involves representing entrepreneurs in the acquisition or sale of a business. It includes consulting with business owners regarding employment issues and concerns, negotiating and drafting contracts with customers, contractors, suppliers, and lenders, acquiring equipment, collecting past due accounts, and dealing with financial concerns. At times it includes seeing one partner through a “business divorce.” At others, it includes assisting owners with succession planning or the sale of the business to enable retirement.

My practice has also included providing dispute resolution services to my clients. Those services have ranged from representing business owners in mediation of business disputes, to responding to workplace complaints, to representing business owners in lawsuits and arbitration proceedings. Through that, I am acutely aware of the need for good business documentation both as a preventative measure as well as a means of being prepared to win if you find yourself in a lawsuit. That experience enables me to effectively advise and guide my clients through problem areas with the ultimate goal of avoiding the court room.

Due to the fact that the firm’s clients are entrepreneurial by nature, their businesses vary dramatically and are spread through a number of different industries. Their businesses include commercial construction, trucking and rail transportation, the purchase and sale of real estate, leasing, professional engineering services, veterinary services, temporary staffing, corporate promotional products, software solutions, recycling, motorsports, and many other things.

The level of satisfaction with the firm’s service is evident by the length of time our clients have been with us. We have a large number of individuals and businesses that have been clients for ten, twenty, and thirty years or more. This stems from the fact that the firm provides advice and counsel that clients can “take to the bank.” We recognize our clients’ value, provide cost effective representation, and are above-board in everything we do.

To meet the needs of today’s entrepreneur, the firm’s billing rates are very competitive without compromising quality. In addition to hourly rates for professional time, flat rate, contingency, and hybrid contingency/hourly rate fee structures are available when appropriate. Every client is provided complete transparency in the firm’s billing.