Things to watch that are sure to affect every small to mid-size business as we enter 2023.
All in Thoughts
Things to watch that are sure to affect every small to mid-size business as we enter 2023.
Getting sued in today’s business environment is pretty much a cost of doing business. But, that does not mean that it should be the end of your business. This short article is designed to help you navigate the waters if you do get sued.
Ask any business owner what they expect their greatest challenge to be in 2022, and virtually every one will have attracting and retaining talent in their top two list. The last couple of years has brought us The Great Resignation on the one hand and greater mobility between job positions than we have experienced in a very long time. In 2022, talent will continue to be hard to find and even harder to retain.
At the end of last year, ZDNet posted an article saying that businesses should expect to be screwed by ransomware in 2022. We have all heard of ransomware, and some have even been hit by it. Those who have know it is crippling and expensive to remedy. So, the question is are you prepared for it or prepared to be screwed by it?
Last month, the EEOC issued guidance regarding whether or not employers can require employees to obtain the Covid-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. Under the EEOC guidelines, the answer is “Yes, but.”
Modern commercial contracts often have dispute resolution provisions buried in the “boilerplate” at the end of the contract. Often, the boilerplate provisions at the end of contracts are overlooked because they are “standard”, but they should never be overlooked or skimmed because they can have significant consequences. Dispute resolution clauses are one of those since they will define how the parties will resolve any disputes. They will typically specify the state law that will apply to any disputes as well as the forum in which any dispute must be resolved. On occasion, the provisions will address mediation, arbitration and litigation. The question is, what procedure is best for a given situation?